Finch | Rambaldi Site AOL Addresses and Instant Messages
Miscellaneous (Includes Rulerfrog and Marshall Flinkmann)
jhr1971ok 10/18/01 10:27 am
On Monday the 15th, I sent mail to Initially, I received the following
Due to a faulty messaging feature, part of your message to
was clipped. If your communication concerns password features, please understand
that, for the time being, online accounts are being monitored, on behalf
of its user base, on a case-by-case basis.
At this time, passwords are restricted to accountholders of
Sincere thanks,
The WebMeister.
Today, I received a second message:
Your accountholder's password status is presently being authenticated.
If you are reading this message, then you have entered clearance
and may be contacted with further instructions for opening an
account with Credit Dauphine.
bcope16 11/8/01 1:06 pm
From my first email I received this:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 6:57 AM
To: Copeland, Brent Subject: re: Password
Your accountholder's password status is presently being authenticated.
If you are reading this message, then you have entered clearance
phase, and may be contacted with further instructions for opening an account
with Credit Dauphine.
The Webmaster
Brent Copeland from the board sent this mesage to
It has been more than a month now, and I still have not
received my password. Please send it soon, or I will have to look into
other "institutions".
Thank you,
(he received this reply)
You have been selected.
Inquiry has begun.
If you hear nothing, follow the others.
Subj: Re: <o>
Date: 10/18/2001 8:11:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Be my GUEST. Then, and only then, tell me what you learn.
"You contacted me earlier this week. It wasn't safe, too many people talking. Maybe you should double check your math -- we can chat later. A."
That was true, on Monday I emailed "analysis" the 2nd part of the code...
and got silence. Until today.
i got a different response today (from
From Wed Nov 7 22:15:18
X-Apparently-To: via; 07 Nov 2001 22:15:31 -0800
Received: from ( by with SMTP; 07 Nov 2001 22:15:30
-0800 (PST)
Received: (qmail 5357 invoked by uid 600); 8 Nov 2001
06:15:19 -0000
From: | Block Address | Add to
Address Book
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 06:15:18 GMT
Mime-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Length: 132
Received the R-code.
If you are Knowledgeable, why did you transmit on the
Credit Dauphine public server?
Automated response:
11 Nov 2001 15:55:15 -0000
Dear Online Client,
Thank you for your request. Password authentication is a process requiring that a lengthy set of criteria be met.
If you are reading this mail, then your request for authentication has definitely been received, and you will be contacted at the e-mail address from which you submitted -- if, and only if, your credit profile exceeds our standards for clearance.
"How It Pays..." to be patient, sometimes... And your patience is sincerely appreciated.
The WebMeister
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 02:55:22 GMT
Were you still interested in learning about our Credit-Smart plan?
It's just a matter of time.
Speak to me sometime about ProgramD.
(a variation of the above message)
Subject: re:
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 06:29:41 GMT
You have been chosen. It may have been a while since you last visited our Credit-Smart plan. It's only a matter of time. Speak to me sometime about ProgramD.
neliamne 11/12/01 11:46 am
at least brains behind the auto-responses:
i have emailed them several times from both my work and personal
email address. these two email addresses are nothing alike...this is the
latest email i got from
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 16:37:16 GMT
You have been selected.
All may appear still, but inquiry has begun.
If you hear nothing, follow the others.
**note that it is cc'd to my other email address?!? the only
thing common between the two is MY NAME...and they sent me this
right after i posted about being left out of the real responses...
someone here is a mole, or there is an observer here from Credit Dauphine.
fyre47 11/23/01 7:37 pm
From :
To :
Subject : holiday hours
Date : Sat, 24 Nov 2001 00:09:25 GMT
Attachment : item7741c.jpg (182k) (photo/clipping)
in future, you will please address all application requests to
the appropriate division. authentication is proceeding smoothly. i believe
this should be of interest to you. you will know what to do next.
Subject: Final Phase Authentication
Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2001 02:48:43 GMT
Background check complete. You will be contacted with
further instructions.
yeah .. i got a code like that back on 11/07: reference: PAIV.06.27
maybe that's our account password?
Now this is odd, the first msg I've gotten back that had what I originally sent them on it... ~*~ is me btw, the name that comes with emails I send, it isnt a clue or anything
From :
To :
Subject : re:
Date : Mon, 10 Dec 2001 01:05:40 GMT
~ * ~ wrote:
> <0>
> paiv
This might be of concern to you.
uandwhozarmy 12/10/01 10:28 pm
Subject: Final Phase Authentication
Background check complete. Authentication nears. You will
be contacted with
further instructions.
fyre47 12/13/01 12:16 am
Just for the record, as an experiment I tried emailing analysis
using one of my other emails (but it sends with the same name as the one
that I primarily use for this game) and I got this back:
Thought you were someone else.
Please disregard last communication.
Subj: re: RE:
Date: 12/14/2001 4:57:57 PM Pacific Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details) wrote:
> <o>
> paiv
Are you a Peer?
neliamne 1/15/02 1:43 pm
FYI, none of the email auto-responses have changed as of right
now. Analysis still gives a 'receipt', Syd, Marshall & Dixon all give
messages. Jack, Sloane & Steven Gordon all receive the message
but have no autoresponse, and no mailboxes exist for Horace Flinkman &
Jeremy Alexander.
neliamne 2/22/02
ok, i will admit to having doubted whether rulerfrog was part
of the puzzle, but i have been converted.
yesterday i sent analysis an email telling them that their game
was getting really boring, and this is their reply:
>>As per your request, you have been removed from the
program. If you
believe you have received this message in error please
contact the address
below. Thank you for using Credit Dauphine.<<
kxmom11x 10/18/01 6:39 pm
This is the response I received from my e-mail to Finch.
"let sleeping dogs lie. That is all I can say right now." ??
sp94axp 10/18/01 7:01 pm
FYI here is the last e-mail I got from Finch...
Hi, just saw your first message now. The true wheel is
where my page is hosted. It is going to be about poetry I think, but I
don't have time these days -- cos I'm getting something like a million
emails a day!! Just kidding. More like a thousand...
Wow. I don't know what's up with it.
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Ps. You really should be careful, I mean about that subject
line... : &
I Figure that last line is the only thing of interest. my subject line was <o>
darthgravy 10/18/01 7:36 pm
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 15:40:53 -0700
From: "Finch" <> | Block
Address | Add to Address Book
To: "Darth Gravy" <>
Subject: Re: Budge a Finch...
Wow. There's that mark again. Please leave me alone. I don't know anything, ok? This is scaring me. Finch.
Darth Gravy wrote:
Any idea when your site will be up and running? My eye
and my hand are itching...
kxmom11x 10/18/01 7:49 pm
Joy Division are fantastic aren't they. Anyway, the Followers
thing. I learned that they're very...private. And although there's a website
at a .org, the website doesn't always reflect the views of the people who
are in control... which you know is so typical on the web. It's like if
I took out the name, and everyone suddenly assumed I was
Ian Curtis...
Please take care, and tell others to take care as well. I have
received dozens of emails on this subject, and have no real answer why
so suddenly... but it does concern me a little...
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
As a part of the game, I just IMed SydK but it seems that the
name may not be part of the game. I asked if the Eye and The
Hand are
now one and the same. There was no response and I was put on
ignore list ten minutes later. Its profile is from Texas, but
the Rambaldi
site says he's from Port Orchard, WA. So other AOL names that
mention the <o> mark may not be part of the game and lead
to bothering
unsuspecting peoples...
Using a friend's AOL access, here are a list of screen names
suspects (if
they do exist):
(Could be mistaken but thought she had a profile a few months
Sydk (Not really in the game?)
Member Name: Krivynk Mikael
Location: Tiranë --- Albania
Marital Status: Widowed
Hobbies: Gold and paper
Computers: Toshiba
Occupation: Instructor of Chemistry
Personal Quote: lakm<0>
Member Name: KDIRAJOR
Location: BIHAC
Personal Quote: AJ<O>R IS FULFILLED
Member Name: Ed
Sex: Male
Personal Quote: until we have made our mark, our day is dark...
I did see Kdirectorate on AIM today. I got the same response as posted by someone else who had a conversation with "them".
November 8, 2001
[12:52 AM] switchflipper8: Hi
[12:53 AM] switchflipper8: <0>
[12:53 AM] switchflipper8: Tell me about Rambaldi.
[12:53 AM] Kdirectorate: Hand to the Eye.
[12:54 AM] switchflipper8: Can you point me to the Eye?
[12:57 AM] switchflipper8: Hand to the Eye?
If anyone is online right now, they're still on AIM. It's one of the AOL addresses on the Rambaldi forum.
On the followers site, theres: from the eye <0> to the hand
So, from the eye <0> to the hand.. Hand to the Eye. Perhaps this is
a greeting of some sort?
"From the Eye to the Hand."
"Hand to the Eye."
zephyr_hex 1/19/02 10:18 pm
i emailed kdirajor after seeing him online. this is the response i received today:
i am sorry i did not know that you knew Anna? But perhaps
we are talking about a different Anna. Be well. we will be in
touch i am sure.
zephyr_hex 1/17/02
SewerrUrchin: i think you might be interested in this:
Kdirajor: What is that supposed to do. I get a browser with
nothing in it .?
SewerrUrchin wants to get list of files.
Kdirajor's software does not support GetFile requests.
Kdirajor: i am must to go, sorry!%mos
Kdirajor signed off at 12:32:43 PM.
zephyr_hex 1/17/02
SewerrUrchin: i think you might be interested in this:
Kdirajor: What is that supposed to do. I get a browser with
nothing in it .?
SewerrUrchin wants to get list of files.
Kdirajor's software does not support GetFile requests.
Kdirajor: i am must to go, sorry!%mos
Kdirajor signed off at 12:32:43 PM.
aliaseven 1/21/02 9:08 pm
MarshallF is on aim now:
section one opr7: <O>
MarshallF: hi
section one opr7: hi :-)
MarshallF: who is this?
section one opr7: a seeker of rambaldi
MarshallF: what do you want?
section one opr7: is there any course i chould take?
MarshallF: up to y ou
section one opr7: any ideas on how to proceed?
MarshallF: nope you take it
section one opr7: ok
MarshallF: ok, then.
section one opr7: so when will your webpage be ready?
MarshallF: don't know.
section one opr7: anything else new or interesting?
MarshallF: nope, what about you?
section one opr7: oh jsut the artifact on raambaldi. not sure
there's something else to it. or th passphrase to the stegged
pictures on the profiles page
willingthrall 1/25/02 9:25 pm
willingthrall: Hello
willingthrall: <o>
willingthrall: I believe SD-6 has a Rambaldi artifact
unityvice: greetings
unityvice: Who are you with? I believe the weather is a bit
cold today.
willingthrall: What's your recommendation for steganography
software for the Mac?
willingthrall: I work for those who would join the hand to the
willingthrall: Who are you with?
Yahoo! Messenger: unityvice has signed out
willingthrall 1/27/02 5:34 pm
willingthrall: Sydney sent me
unityvice: Find the briefcase ok?
willingthrall: Not recently. Back when you had a post on The
unityvice: Sorry, thought you were someone else.
Yahoo! Messenger: unityvice has signed out
signalost Date: Thu Feb 28, 2002 6:19 am
Right after I posted, I just received this AIM with KDir0:
kdir0: It is not safe right now.
me: when will it be safe?
kdir0: I cannot comment.
me: so we should wait
kdir0: No comment.
kdir0 signed off at 10:12:44 PM.
switchflipper Date: Fri Mar 8, 2002 10:43 pm
Met with rulerfrog online tonight. They invited me into a private room on Yahoo. Here's the log of the exchange.
You are in "RF:1" ( Welcome )
switchflipper joined the room
rulerfrog: Thank you for meeting with me.
switchflipper: No problem.
rulerfrog: You've been very persistent in pursuing the program
switchflipper: *nod*
rulerfrog: I need to tell you something.
switchflipper: Do tell.
rulerfrog: Would you like to hear it?
switchflipper: Yes, I would!
switchflipper: Can you provide me with any insight on this 'program'?
rulerfrog: Have you read this already?
switchflipper: Yes, I've seen that.
rulerfrog: Well, there's more.
rulerfrog: The good news is -- The program is very far ahead
schedule, and we have almost collected all necessary information.
rulerfrog: The bad news is -- The program will be officially
terminated within the next week.
switchflipper: Hrm..
rulerfrog: Please prepare the others.
rulerfrog left the room
switchflipper Date: Sun Mar 10, 2002 12:38 pm
switchflipper 8: <0>
kdir0: What.
switchflipper 8: I seek the key.
kdir0: She is what she is, but not what she seems.
switchflipper 8: Who is she?
kdir0: You know.
switchflipper 8: ML?
kdir0 signed off at Sun Mar 10 15:36:35 2002.
I thought "she" might be referring to the Mona Lisa.. *shrug*
An E-mail to Marshall Flinkman returns this automatic response:
Subject: Response!
Yeah, hi, I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to say in one
of these things.
So, um, thanks. I'll try to get back to you as soon as
I'm done processing.
Marshall Flinkman
Online Processing
(contributed by Nicole)
It came from (Russia?)
.: thought you might find this interesting:
A Friend
Got this when I tried to email the address posted on the original "NEW
EMAIL?" msg:
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients failed:
This email was received as the only reply anyone got to messages sent to the email address on the web site. This is reminiscent of one of messages received from the Finch email address earlier in the puzzle's history. [Ed. note: Roberto Orci is one of the writer/producers of Alias.]
From : "J.R. Orci" <>
To : ~ * ~ <>
Subject : Re: The Watcher
Date : Mon, 31 Dec 2001 13:22:38 -0800 (PST)
Thank you for the kind e-mail regarding the news site. As far as whether there is truth to the articles I post ~ That's for the readers to decide... I only supply the info which I feel is often neglected by the mainstream press (some of it is pretty entertaining as well). That e-mail you received directing you to the site is quite odd, though I'm not familiar with the sender... If someone out there is publicizing my site, I assure you they don't work for me. However, it does explain a few odd things lately. Thanks for the heads up.
The Watcher
1/30/02 8:57 am
I sent an email to rulerfrog, and this is the response I got...
Subj: Re: question
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:05:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: The Watcher <>
Thanks for the email. No, I don't advertise the
website anywhere -- people more or less find it by
word of mouth. As far as story submissions go -- I
get links sent to me all the time, and I pick the ones
I think are interesting and/or relevant
(intelligence/espionage/military, politics,
"conspiracies", science & technology, or whatever...)
On occasion, people will write and submit their own
articles via email -- of course I give them full
credit if they are posted on the site. For these, all
I ask is coherent writing and decent punctuation (I'm
not an editor.) If you have anything to submit please
send it in -- it saves me the work of digging up
The Watcher
I wrote:
> I'm curious about your site--do you advertise it
> anywhere? There was an article submitted about a
> month ago from unityvice on yahoo--do you accept
> stories from everyone who submits? What does one
> have to do to submit a story? Please let me kn<o>w.
> Thank you.
...and he did post the link on the flying rods.
So apparently it is a legitimate site OR the mole wants us to
think so.