Possible Red Herrings

 Redeemed Concepts

The following links from the Followers of Rimbaldi page:


This link http://www.jd-no.com/  became a focus of interest at one point because it came from the defunct url   It was listed on the ftp site as well, but it doesn't go anywhere.

Pretty much anything from the Rimbaldi site that is about the Knights Templar:

AOL Followers / Knights Templar Pages
Rambaldi Chapter 17 - North Carolina  http://hometown.aol.com/rambaldi17/myhomepage/index.html
This page is basically blank with different parts that have not been filled in yet.

US Templars
Again nothing much.  Has listed as "My Online Life:  Serving the CRAFT!!!"
 "My Interests: Knights Templars"
 "My Favorite Links: Knights Templar"

The following is borderline red herring.  It may become more active and provide something at a later date.

Redeemed Concepts


  I did a route trace on the IP for Alisha the chatbot. While it did end with www.thetruewheel.com, I also found out that  thetruewheel has a hidden or rerouted IP. So, I went to the next link up on the route, which led me to
  www.parablegraphics.com. I went to that link, and instead of getting something for parable graphics, I got a screen that said "REDEEMED CONCEPTS-[home]" and nothing on it but an email link to send to for questions. Of course, I thought  this was just a bit strange having "Redeemed Concepts" come up where it should have been Parable Graphics (which, I believe, is a legit company, maybe they are part of the  producers of the puzzle?). Anyway, from there, I decided to  try www.redeemedconcepts.com to see if there was really something there....and I got the same screen.

  That was earlier today. Now, when you go to www.parablegraphics.com, there is a different message (the screen was black before) that gives a different email address to write for questions. But...the www.redeemedconcepts.com  site now has some graphics on it that wasn't there this morning. It has three links: services, clients, and contact. The  links bring up pages in process that are basically blank.
 Now the reason why I feel this is part of the puzzle is two  fold: there is a connection with this site and some of the  others with them being rerouted to an ISP in Massachusetts. But the clincher to me was the title bar "REDEEMED CONCEPTS [home]" which is just like how the title appears on creditdauphine.com...and the background of the new title  page that went up today? Its binary code....

